Saturday, March 30, 2013

I can't believe that it is SPRING BREAK!So many fun things to do... well except for miss that one person from school! :)

Friday, March 29, 2013


Talk about relationships?? Yeah I totally convinced my little brother today to let me pluck his eye brows because it would make it look better so maybe he could get a girl friend. He is just to funny. I cannot believe that worked but it did. I hope that next time I come home he has a girl friend. That would be the best news ever!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Polka Dot some eggs with GLITTER!

While Looking on Tumblr tonight I came across this Awesome Idea posted by someone named wjrabosky! Since Easter is Sunday I thought that this would be an interesting activity that you should try. GLITTER POLKA DOTS... Who wouldn't like to do that... unless you are allergic o glitter then I think you have problems that may need medical attention.
Haha have fun.

All About Us

If you have noticed the blog address is saragail sparkle. This blog is written by two of us: Sarah and Abigail (Abby). We are two very crazy girls and will now spend a few lines to tell you about ourselves. 

Sarah: I am Sarah and I like turtles.  I like to go fishing, horse back riding and to blog! That doesn't really tell you much about me but it is true.

Abby: I am Abby and have a big family! I love GLITTER... well that doesn't really tell you anything except maybe I love to sparkle and my crafts and school projects really show that. Well who doesn't like glitter? 

About Our Blog

Everyone Should Sparkle is a blog that will encourage people to come out of their shells. This blog will have a lot of references to glitter and it uses in life. Both Sarah and I attend College with some pretty crazy people, here is where we will express what goes on in our lives and how we Sparkle in everyday life. We will talk about our relationships with the world, our friends, and guys! We will let you know what is really on our minds, but what we will not  let you know exactly who we are talking about. Confidential is key, so we will change names and use code for things like that.