Friday, May 10, 2013


As our time at college comes to an end. We say goodbye to all our friends. We head on out to that great big world.  Graduation is tomorrow! :(

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spring Bonnet

If you check this out as a cute little activity  you can decorate this with GLITTER or SEQUINS to make it a cute little crown for your next Princess Tea Party.

This is a fun activity to complete. Let the children use their imaginations and go for it. Supervise the use of each material but let them do as they wish to their crown!

Check it out and good luck!

Drunken nights and hangover mornings

Well if the title didn't tell you what this blog post was going to be about SURPRISE... I would like you to know that no I don't drink this is more or less about BOYS and their little drunken nights. I wish the guy would just notice me and not go and get drunk with his friends. None the less he refuses to come and visit me. I know that I am moving out of the dorms and he is going to move far way... like 3+ hours. I know that he will be moving closer at some point this summer but it will become more like 2.5 hours. but I want him now. I want him to realize that I am here and that I want to be noticed. I want him to think again when he says good bye to me. I see the way he looks at me. I know why he asks me to leave. He doesn't want to be hurt again. I will miss him so much. I don't know what else to do. I just have to move away and get on with my life. :(

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The count down!

Graduation day is just around the corner... 7 days away... O MY STARS... It is just so soon. I have worked  so hard to get here.  It is going to be so exciting. I am so happy! :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy MAY Day

It is may first and many of you might know that it is 10 days (exactly) until Sarah and I graduate! BOO YEAH! It has been a crazy few months but with the times wearing on and the classes almost done I will say that I thin that It is time for some poetry from my creative writing class. 


Her beautiful smile lights up the classroom
Teaching young children from morning till noon
Planning for the babies that left the womb
Thinking, would children learn about the moon?
 The children are the shining light of life
The classroom is where she wants to belong
One day she will become the perfect wife
Keeping house for her husband all life long
 One day she will own her childcare center
It is her Cinderella shining moment
Where she will be future teacher’s mentor
Guiding the minds of young adolescents
 She is a wife, a mother, a teacher
A beautiful loving perfect creature

This sonnet is written about our beloved Sarah! :) 

I hope you all love it! 
Have a great day. 

Happy May 1st

Hey y'all hope your spending this day outside in the sun. Thats what I'm planning on doing with some of my girls today. Its such a beautiful sunny day lets not waste it.  By the way Happy May 1st!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

So much to do... so little time.

I have come to the realization that there is so much to do and so little time. I have a bucket list for this summer and it should be fun!
-go hiking in the national park
-go camping
-go to the top of cadillac mountain
-go for crazy road trips with sarah

Just to name a few. I hope you all tune in for the coming months and see how our summer goes. May 11th here we come!


Friday, April 26, 2013

Long time no blog...

Hey welcome back! 

As our semester is winding down and graduation is looming near. I think it is important to say... thank you all for baring with us while we haven't blogged in a while is because our portfolios were due and such. I have found  zero time to post! I hate that I have left you all. I really need to vent and say I am not looking forward to not seeing everyone around campus after May 10th! I am so sad but I am looking forward and hoping to sparkle in my near future.

(because having power naps instead of sleep is what we do)

As for me I have had ups and downs and days that I have felt like crying, days that have rocked, days that have been memorable, and days that have been just down right miserable but I think that goes for everyone. I think that one thing that we can say about our day today is that It will be just down right perfect because I am just so sparkly  When Life gets you just remember that we are here and we want to shine. We deserve to let people know how sometimes crazy, and what fun we really have. Sarah and I may decide to post some pictures of some of our crazy road trips! :) And when I say crazy I mean late nights crazy driving and just the choice to go left, right, or straight!

Monday, April 8, 2013


I know that Abby had already posted about this but hear is my rant about it. They are so creaking complicated, they tell you things that they don't FREAKIN  MEAN!!! Sometimes they need to actually use their balls(excuse the language) and actually tell you how they feel instead of stringing you along and treating you like they don't even like you anymore.
!!!!! Uggggg... Grow up!


There are just some classes in college and in high school that you just can't stand! That perfectly describes our Mondays! With teachers that seem like evil villains from Disney movies... one being Scar and the other being the evil step mother from Cinderella! These both are things that I just can't handle. There are many things in life that we just need to suck up and get trough it! Today just might be one of those days... But when life is looking a little down... Go watch some dailygrace! :)

Monday, April 1, 2013


Boys! They are so confusing... gosh I don't know what they are talking about half the time. I mean really?? Come on! I spend half of the text conversations so confused because they want to talk about things I just don't understand! So annoying and so sad! ~Abby

Saturday, March 30, 2013

I can't believe that it is SPRING BREAK!So many fun things to do... well except for miss that one person from school! :)

Friday, March 29, 2013


Talk about relationships?? Yeah I totally convinced my little brother today to let me pluck his eye brows because it would make it look better so maybe he could get a girl friend. He is just to funny. I cannot believe that worked but it did. I hope that next time I come home he has a girl friend. That would be the best news ever!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Polka Dot some eggs with GLITTER!

While Looking on Tumblr tonight I came across this Awesome Idea posted by someone named wjrabosky! Since Easter is Sunday I thought that this would be an interesting activity that you should try. GLITTER POLKA DOTS... Who wouldn't like to do that... unless you are allergic o glitter then I think you have problems that may need medical attention.
Haha have fun.

All About Us

If you have noticed the blog address is saragail sparkle. This blog is written by two of us: Sarah and Abigail (Abby). We are two very crazy girls and will now spend a few lines to tell you about ourselves. 

Sarah: I am Sarah and I like turtles.  I like to go fishing, horse back riding and to blog! That doesn't really tell you much about me but it is true.

Abby: I am Abby and have a big family! I love GLITTER... well that doesn't really tell you anything except maybe I love to sparkle and my crafts and school projects really show that. Well who doesn't like glitter? 

About Our Blog

Everyone Should Sparkle is a blog that will encourage people to come out of their shells. This blog will have a lot of references to glitter and it uses in life. Both Sarah and I attend College with some pretty crazy people, here is where we will express what goes on in our lives and how we Sparkle in everyday life. We will talk about our relationships with the world, our friends, and guys! We will let you know what is really on our minds, but what we will not  let you know exactly who we are talking about. Confidential is key, so we will change names and use code for things like that.